With a series of strict check and verification, Wuxi Jindu Bellow Co., Ltd. successfully obtained the ISO9001 international quality management system certification. This good news proves that our company has established a quality management system in line with the ISO9001:2008GB/T 19001-2008 certification standards.
Quality management system certification is an authoritative certification that any enterprise with a sense of mission and hope dreams of. With strict review of the international standardization of quality management system certification, the enterprise will meet the requirement of legalization and scientization. It will greatly improve the work efficiency and qualification rate, rapidly improve the economic benefit and social benefit of our company. It will also strengthen customer’s trust and confident, which is important to increase the market occupancy rate.
Obtaining the quality system certification is a green pass for international trade. It is the first step and also the key step for Jindu, as a national brand of high-precision corrosion resistant bellows, to go out of our country and meet the world. With the success of ISO9001 quality management system certification, it is not only a chance for corporate image, internal management, but also a great opportunity for operation and international trading.